Launching Initiatives Supporting Malta’s Efforts to Suppress Trafficking (LIMES)

From October 2011 to May 2014, IOM Malta implemented the project 'Launching Initiatives Supporting Malta’s Efforts to Suppress Trafficking (LIMES)'. The LIMES project intended to enhance the ongoing efforts of the Maltese government to counteract trafficking in persons, building on the already existing knowledge among national stakeholders about trafficking features in the country and the ongoing efforts as outlined in the National Action Plan. Funded by the Ministry for Home Affairs and National Security of Malta, the project envisaged the development of an awareness-raising strategy for Malta targeting both public opinion as well as de facto and potential victims of trafficking. The project also focused on capacity-building among the law enforcement agencies, governmental and civil society actors in identifying cases of trafficking and addressing the protection needs of victims. Another feature of this project was the enhancement of cooperation mechanisms among the national stakeholders.

During the project implementation period, the activities carried out in the framework of this initiative led to the following main results:

  1. The establishment of a National Referral Mechanism in the country;
  2. The enhancement of capacities of governmental and civil society actors as well as law enforcement agencies in identifying cases of trafficking;
  3. The elaboration of Standing Operating Procedures to refer trafficking cases;
  4. The elaboration of messages of the information campaign and channels of information dissemination;
  5. The production of a TV spot both in English and Maltese;
  6. The production of information material for victims of trafficking and potential victims of trafficking;
  7. The production of a support tool for service providers.