IF 2013-14 Mainstreaming a Common Model of Intercultural Competence for Integration Process of Third Country Nationals

The project 'Mainstreaming a Common Model of Intercultural Competence for Integration Process of Third Country Nationals (TCNs)' was aimed to strengthen the performance of public service providers in Malta working with Third Country Nationals on a daily basis, such as health professionals, employment front-liners, Identity Malta officers, educators and other public servants to ensure accessibility and effective delivery of quality public services offered to Third Country Nationals in Malta.

The following targeted activities were carried out within the framework of the project:

  1. The development of an 8-day training of trainers programme that focused on improving the intercultural communication competencies of public service providers.
  2. Two local roundtables that allowed for an exchange of expertise at national level, aimed at implementing a preliminary needs assessment and a final evaluation of the project.
  3. The development of audiovisual training materials which was published online and was made available to the general public to allow for a wider and more sustainable dissemination of the training content.

In the long-term, these actions paved the way for a sustainable framework for continuous improvement of intercultural/ diversity management competencies of the front staff of public institutions, which in turn supported the successful integration of Third Country Nationals in Malta.

The project was co-financed by the European Integration Fund for Third Country Nationals (IF), the Ministry for Social Dialogue, Civil Liberties and Consumer Affairs and IOM.
