IF 2012-10 Toward Effective Integration Support to Third Country Nationals in Malta: Inception of a One-Stop Migrant Resource Centre

Between February 2014 and June 2014, IOM Malta, in cooperation with the Ministry for Social Dialogue, Consumer Affairs and Civil Liberties, implemented the project ‘Towards Effective Integration Support to Third Country Nationals in Malta: Inception of a One-Stop Migrant Resource Centre’. The project aimed at facilitating integration of third country nationals by putting in place the basis for the coordination and harmonization of services pertaining to immigration, residence, employment, health and other integration-related services.

The project engaged the active participation from the Ministry for Family and Social Solidarity, Department of Citizenship and Expatriate Affairs, Employment and Training Corporation, General Workers Union, University of Malta, Department of Industrial and Employment Relations, Local Councils and civil society. The targeted migrant communities were carefully engaged to provide advice on the most effective communication strategies, and to contribute to establishing a network of cultural mediators which would improve outreach capacities of service providers. 

The project resulted in a virtual one-stop Migrant Resource Centre (MRC) that provided initial counselling and facilitated referrals to relevant agencies. Furthermore, the project provided an inception report for the future establishment of a physical one-stop MRC. The information material prepared in the framework of the project was translated into six different languages: Tagalog, Serbian, Russian, Chinese, Hindi and Arabic.
