First Step: Online Pre-Departure Integration Measures (PDIMs) in Malta

The project aims to contribute to integration governance in Malta, specifically through the design and development of a sustainable national system for Pre-departure Integration Measures (PDIMs). Over a period of 18 months the project will set up a system of PDIMs to optimize the integration of migrants into Maltese society by enabling them to start integration pre departure and obtain important information on rights, obligations and opportunities in Malta. As such, the action will contribute to ease the process of labour migration and will provide the migrant population with critical information about Malta and help identify the skills and attitudes needed to successfully integrate. Therefore the project aims to enable migrants to fully use their competencies and skills, become an asset to the country, and prevent labour exploitation.

It is expected that the project  will contribute to strengthening the capacity to develop, adapt and implement processes and policy related to sustainable integration of third country nationals in Malta.


To do so, the project will achieve two main Outcomes:

Outcome 1: All relevant stakeholders have a better understanding of the needs and resources necessary to ensure the foundations for sustainable PDIMs

Outcome 2: Maltese authorities have a clear understanding of the support required for the implementation of tailormade PDIMs

Main outputs and activities:

  • Mapping report describing the state of PDIMs available in the Maltese context and identifying best practices at EU level;
  • Comparative analysis containing recommendations for PDIMs based on the mapping and transnational exchange;
  • Transnational study visit for Maltese stakeholders to familiarize with  good practices;
  • Technical Expert Pool (TEP) made up of key stakeholders to contribute to provide feedback on the design, the structure and tools of an E-Government PDIMs platform.

This project is funded by the European Union, via the Technical Support Instrument, and implemented by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in cooperation with the Human Rights Directorate (HRD) and the Directorate General for Structural Reform Support (DG REFORM).