

FAIRWORK project aims to support authorities and the private sector to reduce migrants’ exposure to labour exploitation by improving the effectiveness and efficiency of protection mechanisms and raising awareness on their rights.

The project is funded by the British High Commission.

The main objective of the project is to prevent migrants’ labour exploitation by strengthening the ability of the local agency that monitors working conditions to identify and refer victims.

To achieve this, existing services will be mapped, and fed into a strategy on how to best support the Department for Industrial and Employment Relations (DIER) and any other entity that combats labour exploitation, in order to achieve realistic and tailor-made outcomes.

Capacity of labour inspectors will be increased through targeted training to identify and refer actual and potential victims of labour exploitation, monitor the socio-economic conditions of exploited migrants and coordinate inspection activities with cultural meditators. Cultural mediators will be financed through the project in order to pilot actions and refine implementation. Promoting the engagement of private sector actors through guidance on the use of a practical tool for identifying the signs of forced labour and trafficking in persons in their work. A check list was developed by IOM, together with UK expert David Camp and should serve as a stepping-stone for private sector involvement.

Lastly, the project intends strengthening migrant workers’ awareness on labour rights and fair recruitment mechanisms, through the dissemination of information material in various languages within migrant community groups and contact points.